Carotenoids are secondary plant substances that are not essential for humans but are considered to be beneficial to health. Carotenoids can only be synthesised by plants and give them their yellow to reddish colour. They are also found in green plants, but their typical colour is masked by the green of the chlorophyll. Carotenoids are particularly characterised by their antioxidant effects, which is why they can protect against oxidative stress.
Our recommendation:
Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Carotenoid Complex - 120 capsules, antioxidants, vegan
with standardised plant extracts
gluten-free and lactose-free
vegan, without magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide
Note: Due to legal regulations, we cannot
make additional statements about the effects of vital nutrients. For further
information, we recommend consulting specialized literature or websites.
Inhalt / Supplement Facts / Contenu / Información Nutricional / Contenutopro 2 Kapseln / per 2 Capsules / par 2 Comprimé / pour 2 Gélules / por 2 Cápsulas / per 2 Capsule
Beta-Carotin / Beta-Carotene / Bêta-Carotène / Beta-Caroteno / Beta-Carotene / Bètacaroteen
Tagetes-Extrakt / Marigold Extract / Extrait de Tagète / Extracto de Tagetes / Estratto di Tagetes / Tagetes Extract
davon Lutein / of which Lutein / dont Lutéine / de los cuales Luteína / di cui Luteina / waarvan Luteïne
davon Zeaxanthin / of which Zeaxanthin / dont Zéaxanthine / de los cuales Zeaxantina / di cui Zeaxantina / waarvan Zeaxanthine
Tomaten-Extrakt / Tomato Extract / Extrait de Tomate / Extracto de Tomate / Estratto di Pomodoro / Tomatenextract
davon Lycopin / of which Lycopene / dont Lycopène / dont Lycopène / de los cuales Licopeno / di cui Licopene / waarvan Lycopeen
Grünkohl-Pulver / Kale Powder / Poudre de Chou Frisé / Col Crespa en Polvo / Cavolo in Polvere / Boerenkool Poeder
Heidelbeer-Pulver / Blueberry Powder / Poudre de Myrtille / Arándano en Polvo / Mirtillo in Polvere / Blauwe Bosbessen Poeder
Content: 120 capsulesRecommended intake: Adults 2 capsules daily in divided doses with meals and plenty of water.Two capsules contain:Beta-carotene 12mgMarigold extract 80mg of which lutein 16mg of which zeaxanthin 2mgTomato extract 120mg of which lycopene 6mgKale powder 400mgBlueberry powder 400mgIngredients: kale powder, blueberry fruit powder, glazing agent hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (capsule), tomato extract (contains 5% lycopene), marigold extract (contains 20% lutein and 2.5% zeaxanthin), beta-carotene, L-leucine, calcium salts of orthophosphoric acid
Content: 76 g (€288.82* / 1 Kg)
Immediately available